
srishti sarkar
1 min readApr 6, 2024


From the 5th-grade knowledge which I’ve not managed to forget — nature is full of symbiosis. Almost as if our surroundings are showing it’s the only natural way to be. A biological need of being.

That feels nice to me. The idea of give and take, that there’s someone else wherever you are, it is a reminder to be grateful that I can’t do this part of my life without them. Place, person or thing.

Life works on mutual benefit. Sounds vaguely selfish but I think it is respectful more than anything else. It votes in favour of harmony. Like when sweepers clean fallen leaves off of running tracks, typically with brooms as tall as them. They work in the shade because only trees bearing leaves get to drop them. Right? Mutual benefit. I help you, you help me.

Love, work, win, loss, peace, war. All tick when they are symbiotic.



srishti sarkar

…and you get an unasked piece, and you get an unasked piece, aaand you!